Telephone Townhalls

Connect with voters, constituents, and stakeholders with telephone townhalls!

A telephone townhall is a live, interactive event that empowers you to talk to thousands of people at once, over the phone. You can deliver your message, answer questions, conduct polls, and get real-time feedback from your listeners.

Telephone townhalls are ideal for:

  • Candidates who want to get their message out, build name ID, mobilize their base, and win over undecided voters

  • Elected officials who want to share their policy vision, update their constituents, and solicit their input

  • Nonprofit advocacy groups and trade associations who want to educate and motivate their members and coalition allies

  • Business Organizations looking to influence public policy and shape public opinion

With telephone townhalls, you can:

  • Reach more voters and stakeholders than ever before, across whole districts, different regions, and time zones

  • Drive attendance to the event with live calls, MMS messages, and online forms that pick up email addresses through opt-in

  • Save money and time by avoiding the hassle and expense of travel, booking venues, renting equipment, and other logistics

  • Increase engagement and loyalty by making your audience feel valued and heard

  • Boost your credibility and authority by demonstrating your knowledge and leadership

Contact the Churchill Group today for a free half-hour consultation and let us help you organize and host your next telephone townhall.  We have the experience, technology, and skills to make your event a success.  Don't miss this chance to connect with your audience in a powerful and memorable way.  Call us now and get ready to make an impact with telephone townhalls!