Voter ID and Persuasion

In close elections, victory or defeat depends on spiking turnout within a few key blocs of supporters. Nearly every successful turnout operation fundamentally relies on a voter ID and persuasion program that unfolds over a period of months before the primary and continuing on to the general election.

Campaigns rely on volunteer phonebanks and text banks to expand their base of support in the primary and then pivot to identifying and persuading undecided voters to move into their column during the general election. To make the requisite number of voter contacts within key demographic blocs can be a daunting task. Many campaigns fall short of hitting their targets, in spite of the steady progress that volunteers make on the phones and at the doors.

The Churchill Group can work with you to design and implement a voter ID and persuasion program that uses automated calls, MMS texts, and live agents can leverage the power of enriched voter data to segment the key voting blocs, screen for likely voters, find the undecideds, and identify their top issues and policy preferences. The campaign can then follow up with chase pieces that engage the undecideds with messages that address their top concerns, and the automated voter ID program can systematically re-engage the undecideds to quantify the campaign’s progress over time and measure the penetration of the campaign’s messaging within key voting blocs.